I can marry…

It’s 4:52pm it’s a slow and hot afternoon. The boys just finished their tea of chocolate mint cookie and cream crackers with milk and 1 Kit Kat. They noticed the LEGO out on the balcony washed and sunningand immediately started building with whatever they see squatting in the blazing hot balcony.

The little crispin went to the play room to continue building with other pieces he needed. While I took the chance to have a lie down. Barely 5 min, little crispin ran into the room and said if all seriousness. “ mama I don’t need to find another girl to marry, I can marry meimei!”

For a while I thought he will say he will marry me because that’s what he’s been saying all these times. But little crispin has been writing and drawing and colouring beautiful pictures and notes for both me and meimei (baby sister) a budding loving brother . Gently told him he can’t marry meimei cos they are siblings, he dipped his head slightly and thought and said but I can ! And happily ran off to build his LEGO again. I Guess we will just have to leave the explaining sometime in the future. For now, I will just bask in their cuteness love and simple thoughts.

How do I love you more?

My dear sweetest little crispin,

Yesterday you dug into your savings to ask papa to print 5 unicorns pictures with words for me secretly ( and went to great lengths to keep me Fromm seeing them)

You coloured them hiding under the table and enlisted papa so and little Pea’s help to Color them. When they got tired and wanted to do something else you were adamant they have to help you. When I offered my help, you declined politely and awkwardly when trying not to hurt my feelings promising that you will let me help the next time.

You continued colouring in your own till late into the night , past bedtime and in between enthusiastically helping me prepare for he prata dough changing into shorts and tee shirts even though it was bedtime and you were already in your pjs. You went to the piano room and took the scotch tape all by yourself and found a pretty red shiny recycled Xmas wrapper to wrap up the colouring you made completed with a self made scotch tape flower on TOP. You guard it fiercely so proud of your work and seemingly torn between giving it to me and trying to keep it a secret.

I am the most blessed mama in the whole wide world for having you. Everyday I wonder how do I love you more? Even when I’m am firm or stern with you you kept up your unwavering love for me.

Mama love you my little crispin, more than anything in the whole wide world.

There is no hiding..

While I absolutely love being with my kids and bask in their presence, there are just some times when you need to be alone. Like when I need to poop.

And today, barely 1min in the toilet, this came under the door..

“Mama, what’s the last word?

Home based learning.

Little crispin napping

Now at 5 years 3 months, Little crispin hasn’t napped for a Long time. he doesn’t want to. But now he is napping.the fan is on, the window blinds flapping gently in the wind. I lie next to his and watch his gentle breaths, and little tummy rising up and down and suddenly remembered how Long it’s been since we did this. Soon with little girl in the house there will be more nappings. For now I’m going to enjoy this time with you.

Ps : Little pea is his English lesson with his English teacher from zoom at the dining room.

A storm raging

It is a thunder storm outside. Lightning flashing, thunder roar. The time is now 5:24am. The sky’s been at it for the past hour.

Windows all closed. Our air conditioning running, my babies sleeping. Like wrapped in a safe cocoon, we are safe, blessedly safe.

The storm is like the covid-19 virus taking over the world , but no matter how big it gets, home is safe. Singapore has started its series of circuit breakers. Even though the official date is tomorrow 8 April 2020 to start, I have decided to keep my boys home even for this 2 school days. Hubby has already started working from home . I see no reason to send the 2 young ones out to brave the uncertain. After all the virus is already out there, circulating, not Wednesday, not tomorrow. It’s not paranoid but if you think of it, all it takes is one case, unintended, asymptomatic to upend all these precautions.

The Teachers in school have been understanding and very cooperative about my decision to keep little pea at home and helped with making arrangements for us to pick up his books that are still with them. This amidst all the mayhem of coming up with a month’s worth of home base learning and ensuring all systems go and the virus lurking around. Kudos to all teachers.

For now. To everyone. Stay home, wash your hands, eat well, sleep well, stay well.