16 going 17

Months that is..

My sweet little Fleur going from 16months to 17 months in 2 days time.

Sweet heart darling you are the sweetest. At bedtime you felt some rough skin on my toe and you looked at me with a worried look on your face and you pointed and touched my toe where the skin is rough. And you pointed asking me to put some medicine or moisturisers to make it better. Then you kissed it . You were sitting on the bed and you bent over to kiss my toe before i could stop you. Do all babies come like you? So sweet and so caring ! Mama is so touched .

At 16months the only words you speak perfectly is MAma! And mama is so blessed so honoured! But you speak so much more with your eyes and your will! You know what you want and you do everything you can to get it. You are a go-getter!

You love reading! You will drop everything if i say let’s go read “Brown Bear Brown Bear..” The full title is Brown Bear Brown Bear, What do you see? by Eric Carle. You love books with animals and will bend over to kiss them, the pictures and pat them and you hold out your little hand at them as if to feed them. Naps must almost always be accompanied with the chinese books洗刷刷!and 聚宝盆。Your new favorite is There’s wocket in my pocket by Dr Suess. You are fascinated with the della and the weller and the Geller and the Bellar in the Cellar and you also get slightly worried with the vug under the rug. You bend over andksiss thevug like a friend is better than being scary, let’s be friends!

The other day when 外婆 here, you were flipping the animals books with her andyousuddenly stood up and walked out the play room door.外婆thought you didn’t know i was in the room and went out to find me but i knew it wasn’t the case. I followed youwquietly behind and true enough, you went to the bedroom to get the panda doll because you saw the panda picture in the book and wanted to show 外婆!My clever baby! 外婆was so full of praise!

You love being part of what little pea and little crispin are playing. Andthey very loveingly try to include you in their games. Like today, while you were napping, they came up with a game using their study chair ( with wheels) and skipping rope and brought you (and mama) and then you again several more times on a horse ride, you on the chair holding the rope and they as the horses, up and down our corridor. The laughter the magic! Unless it’s lego. but even that they are coming to terms with you grabbing them creation and wanting the little lego man they put together.

You are so loved my sweet little Fleur.

We love you so very much!